February 2017

Tomorrow is Cinco's BDay!!!

Jupiter: Today, Daddy says we are going on the Dutch side with him. Daddy also says that we will be going to the Kemshaw Beach party with him. If they make grilled chicken, Daddy says he will get some for us provided I, Jupiter, approve the expenditure. I told Daddy that if he is buying food for us, it is approved. Especially if it is real CHICKEN for Cinco's Birthday Party!!! Happy Bday CINCO!!!
Cinco: Yeh, I'm getting really old, but that won't stop me from eating CHICKEN if Daddy is buying. He says I'll be 13 years old. I don't count the days; however, I do love the tummy rubs that come with birthdays. This is my first birthday overseas. It is also Carnival weekend in St. Martin (french side). Daddy says we may go walking into town on Sunday to watch the parade and festival. Should be some good sniffing!!!! The party started this morning at 5AM with very loud music we could hear all the way out in le Lagoon (about a mile from Marigot). This is going to be a great birthday!

Great to be a puppy with short term memory!

Jupiter: I haven't peed on the rug in three days!!! But today while Daddy was at a meeting with the Heineken Regatta at the St Maarten Yacht Club... well I ... well I ... I peed on the rug. It wasn't a lot of pee and hopefully it will evaporate before Daddy gets home from his meeting a SMYC. If not I'll pretend that I don't know what happened. Actually in about 5 min I won't remember that I peed on the rug... being a puppy dog is awesome!
Cinco: Daddy tried to cut my nails today. I wouldn't let him. I ran away and hid in the back room Happy

I got sick this weekend

Jupiter: I was sick this weekend for two days. I don't know why and daddy was very nice. He washed the rugs over and over again. At time we had no rugs cause I got sick on all of them before the replacement rugs were clean. Otherwise it is nice here in "le lagoon". We go to Explorer island every day, sometime twice a day if we don't go into town with Daddy.
Cinco: Daddy gave us hair cuts. He doesn't do a good job, but he does get 99% of the mats and tangles out. He made us go swimming twice this week. I don't like swimming but I'm getting used to it now. I no longer splash with my front paws. Daddy says I'm learning the proper doggy paddle technique.

Sunday in St. Martin

Jupiter: Sunday was a nappy day. Cinco had to cough up a few bone fragment as he snuck up and took my lamb bone nuckle that I was saving for breakfast. Oh well, all the same we had a good day, two beach walks and one swim. And I haven't peed on the run in two days!!!!