Interior refit under way
18 03, 23
Time to work on the interior of the boat. Hauled out on land Dec/Jan now in the water and working on the interior and a few changes. With the new solar I've removed the generator…. more room down there. Still planning on how to use the space… Plumbing refit, some electrical refit, etc…. more later.
Something strange
25 10, 22
For the past 6 moths I realize the the only people that hang out until late at night are veery wealthy. Not sure what it is but we hang out together. No body cares how the bill is split or who is buying the next round… and we all follow each other home to make sure everyone is safe. Why? Not sure.
Long time since posting...
12 09, 22
Mostly hunkered down for Hurricane season and refitting the boat this fall. Should be on the move again after the refit.
Returning from the USA
25 04, 22
Easter with family and shopping. No COVID requirement to return! Had a blast with family and friends.
Covid lock downs ended on Monday
05 04, 22
We are free again…. Hopefully other islands will follow. Chicken and Sausage Gumbo today!