Solar Panels mounted
18 02, 17
The solar panels are mounted. I have to make a small modification to the framing in the next couple of days. Still waiting to here if Budget can get the controller.
Just receive a USPS mail package that was sent "Priority Mail" 6+ weeks ago. We are not using USPS anymore. FedEx can deliver in just a few days.
Otherwise all is going well here in St. Martin. The start of carnival for French St. Martin is today. Most of the streets were blocked off this morning. Next weekend is the big celebration.
Just receive a USPS mail package that was sent "Priority Mail" 6+ weeks ago. We are not using USPS anymore. FedEx can deliver in just a few days.
Otherwise all is going well here in St. Martin. The start of carnival for French St. Martin is today. Most of the streets were blocked off this morning. Next weekend is the big celebration.