Ernie's creamation today

Sad or a while, a few tears. I asked them not to prepare him for viewing. Box in the furnace. I pick up the ashes on Monday. I'll miss the old fart. So will many others.


We had a lot of ash fall this weekend, now the wind has shifted to E-SE so the sky has cleared. In for more ash as the volcano continues to erupt.

I'm hurting

As cruisers there are lots of elderly people in need. Ernest Longley is one. it is a long story, but the grumpy old man had an accident and one week later he died. I'm taking care of all the formalities but it is not easy. I spent that last week at the Hospital each day. Now that he is dead, it is formalities… Not loving life at this time.

Easter 2021

On Thursday, I went to the SPCA and adopted a pure bred Cadbury Rabbit. The SPCA assured me that he had all of his vaccinations. By Friday his ears were missing and by Friday night his tail was gone. Saturday by noon, there was nothing left of him. I call the Vet clinic here to report this problem and they said he had Easteritus and there is no cure as it is a fatal for Cadbury Rabbits. I miss him so much, he was so sweet!!!

Not posted in a while

still in partial lock down here in Grenada. i had my first vaccine and the second will be may 3rd. Until thin not moving just enjoying a virus free island here in Grenada.