Bracing for the solar panels is looking good.
22 02, 17
I cut the front support for the bimini and used it to cross support the solar panels. It looks like it is working. Yesterday it was wobbling at 20kts - today it isn't wobbling at all. With only one support it was not okay, but now that both sides are connected, it is solid. I still have two poly straps that I can use on the aft side to provide cross support. I'll experiment with these two toes if they can improve the rigidity of the frame. Otherwise as of today, it's looking good!!!!
Worked on a fellow neighbors laptop yesterday and last night to see about upgrades. Not so good, she needs more memory to support the upgrades. I hunted at 4 different computer stores in Marigot and they all said that the memory was too old and they didn't carry it. I have links for Newegg where they can order the memory for less than $30. Shipping is another issue :)
Worked on a fellow neighbors laptop yesterday and last night to see about upgrades. Not so good, she needs more memory to support the upgrades. I hunted at 4 different computer stores in Marigot and they all said that the memory was too old and they didn't carry it. I have links for Newegg where they can order the memory for less than $30. Shipping is another issue :)