Lazy day today in Grenada
24 06, 17
I told the puppies that they have to start cleaning their areas up for out guest this week. They both looked at me like they didn't understand what I was saying — typical. I also told them, "no pee pee on the rug" yeh; all the rugs are clean and I'd like them to stay that way for a few days (fingers crossed).
I've got some rearranging to do to make room for them as well. Shouldn't be hard, but I'll have to pack the extra clothes in the V-berth or give them to the Red Cross. I am a little surprise by the amount of clothing I took on board and the amount that I actually use day to day. I threw out lots before I left and I could have thrown out even more. So the stacks of T-shirts that are never used will get bagged and stored. And I need to bag and store the winter stuff since leaving Hampton VA last Fall I have not needed the winter clothes but just have not packed and stored them.
Tonight is CHEESE BURGER IN PARADISE night! I have all the makings for a CHEESE BURGER including fresh tomatoes, lettuce, onion, grnd sirloin, and a bun. I have enough for 2 burgers. I'll make the patties and only cook one tonight. I have to decide on the side dish… I have lettuce and tomatoes that have to be eaten soon, so it may be a salad with Balsamic dressing. I also have a mango that needs to be eaten.

This is the burger, sirloin with Gouda Cheese (purchased in the Dutch Islands) melted on top. Set on a Butter Roll (locally baked) that has been toasted in French Butter, with a thin slice on sweet onion from the front porch of a Lady in St. Lucia, lettuce also from the front porch of another lady from St. Lucia, tomato from the yard of a house in Bequia. Decision ???

It was Yummy… Some folks have complained that my end of the meal photos are sweet, but they would like to see what the beginning was… So this is my first "before and after" photo of food.
The water is clearing up here in Clarks Court Bay so I may not move out of this Bay. The advantage here is the access to the town of Woburn… while there is very little in Woburn, it does have Bus service where other location do not. The water here is also very calm, no waves or swell and the Stainless Steel guy, who is back in town on Tuesday, is based out of this Bay.
The pups and I went to the Beach on Hog Island today for a long walk. I'll have to take a camera there for pictures. It is a very nice beach with no waves and a grassy ledge on the back side. We didn't swim today, but on Sunday morning, we are going to swim (and the dogs will hate that).
I just opened a bottle of Westerhall dark rum. I never knew they made a dark aged rum. Their plantation rum is so awesome and my first glass of this stuff (on ice) is on par with the Cruzan or Mt Gay aged rums. Not very sweet and definitely doesn't have the french rum taste (Old Crow).
I've got some rearranging to do to make room for them as well. Shouldn't be hard, but I'll have to pack the extra clothes in the V-berth or give them to the Red Cross. I am a little surprise by the amount of clothing I took on board and the amount that I actually use day to day. I threw out lots before I left and I could have thrown out even more. So the stacks of T-shirts that are never used will get bagged and stored. And I need to bag and store the winter stuff since leaving Hampton VA last Fall I have not needed the winter clothes but just have not packed and stored them.
Tonight is CHEESE BURGER IN PARADISE night! I have all the makings for a CHEESE BURGER including fresh tomatoes, lettuce, onion, grnd sirloin, and a bun. I have enough for 2 burgers. I'll make the patties and only cook one tonight. I have to decide on the side dish… I have lettuce and tomatoes that have to be eaten soon, so it may be a salad with Balsamic dressing. I also have a mango that needs to be eaten.

This is the burger, sirloin with Gouda Cheese (purchased in the Dutch Islands) melted on top. Set on a Butter Roll (locally baked) that has been toasted in French Butter, with a thin slice on sweet onion from the front porch of a Lady in St. Lucia, lettuce also from the front porch of another lady from St. Lucia, tomato from the yard of a house in Bequia. Decision ???

It was Yummy… Some folks have complained that my end of the meal photos are sweet, but they would like to see what the beginning was… So this is my first "before and after" photo of food.
The water is clearing up here in Clarks Court Bay so I may not move out of this Bay. The advantage here is the access to the town of Woburn… while there is very little in Woburn, it does have Bus service where other location do not. The water here is also very calm, no waves or swell and the Stainless Steel guy, who is back in town on Tuesday, is based out of this Bay.
The pups and I went to the Beach on Hog Island today for a long walk. I'll have to take a camera there for pictures. It is a very nice beach with no waves and a grassy ledge on the back side. We didn't swim today, but on Sunday morning, we are going to swim (and the dogs will hate that).
I just opened a bottle of Westerhall dark rum. I never knew they made a dark aged rum. Their plantation rum is so awesome and my first glass of this stuff (on ice) is on par with the Cruzan or Mt Gay aged rums. Not very sweet and definitely doesn't have the french rum taste (Old Crow).